
Manage Employee/Manager Swipe Cards

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If a manager card is set up on a Toast Tap™ device (Toast Go® 2 or Toast Tap), it won't work on eDynamo and MSR (magnetic swipe reader) devices (Toast Go® 1, EMV credit card readers, MSR readers) and vice versa.


In this Article:


Manager Swipe Cards Overview

Setting up manager cards is the same process as setting up employee swipe cards. You can use swipe cards with a POS access code (giving employees flexibility when opening the POS) or you can use a swipe card instead of a POS access code.


Order New Manager Cards  


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Assign a Swipe Card to an Employee/Manager

To assign a swipe card to an employee or manager, follow the steps below:

  1. On the main menu of your POS device, navigate to Manager Activities > Register Swipe Card. Note: Register Swipe Card is a manager-level permission. You may need to review your manager permissions or contact your restaurant administrator in order to gain access to this permission.
  2.  Locate and select the name of the employee that needs to register a card.
Employees list on POS device

Note: You can't assign yourself a card. A different employee/manager must be logged into the Toast device in order for this process to work.

  1.  Select the +Add button in the top-right corner of the screen and swipe the card through the credit card reader attached to the Toast device. If you're using a Toast Tap™ contactless payment reader, use the diagram below for swiping instructions. 
Diagram of Toast Tap™device with a card that has the black stripe facing up


  1. Select Done. You can now swipe the card to log in! Your POS access code is still enabled. However, if you'd like to disable that, see the instructions below.

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Enable Swipe Card-Only Access

At times, it may be advantageous for restaurant managers to only use swipe cards instead without also having an active POS access code (aka passcode or PIN).


  1. To enable swipe card-only access to the POS, ensure the manager has a POS access code enabled (this will be disabled in a couple steps). See Log in to Toast: Create an Account for instructions on granting POS access to a user.
  2. Next, assign the employee to a swipe card as noted in the previous section of this article.
  3. Then navigate back to Employees > Employee management > Employees in Toast Weband select the last name hyperlink to edit the profile of the desired employee.
  4. Using the tabs at the top of the page, select Profile.
  5. Scroll down to the POS access code section and select Disable POS access code login at this location.
  6. Save and Publish to finalize your changes. 


Note: If you remove a swipe card from an employee with swipe card-only access, you'll have to re-enable the POS access code login for them to be able to access the Toast system. 

Additionally, if no swipe card is configured, the option to disable a POS access code login cannot be selected. 

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Replace or Revoke Swipe Card Access

You can replace or revoke swipe card access through the Register Swipe Card screen on your POS device. A small credit card icon will appear next to any employee who currently has a swipe card assigned.


Selecting the employee's name will allow you to replace the previous card with a new swipe card or revoke the employee's current swipe card access.

  • Revoking swipe card access to an employee won't prevent you from reassigning the swipe card to any employee.
  • A single swipe card cannot be assigned to more than one employee.

Note: Any card with a magnetic stripe can be used as a swipe card. They can be ordered through Toast or you can use college IDs, gift cards, etc.

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TitleManage Employee/Manager Swipe Cards
URL NameAssign-a-Swipe-Card-to-an-Employee-Manager

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