
Get Help With Your Toast POS Login

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If you're having trouble logging in to Toast, there a few steps you can take to check your employee account in Toast Web. An administrator at your restaurant can follow the steps below to troubleshoot your login. If you're getting an invalid password error message, follow the steps in this Toast Central article: Log In to Toast on Your POS Device.

Account Disabled Error Message 

If you're receiving an error message saying your account has been disabled, try the troubleshooting steps below. 
  1. First, in Toast Web, navigate to Employees > Employee management > Employees, and confirm that the account that's being used to log in is still active. In the Employees section, check that the status is showing as Active.

Green active badge showing next to employee name
  1. Check the email and passcode of the account by selecting the Edit icon (pencil) and then selecting the Basic tab to view the account info.
  2. If you're still unable to log into the Toast POS after verifying this information, try force-stopping the app and clearing the cache in your device's settings.
  • On your device, navigate to Settings > Device > Apps, and then select the Toast POS app. On this page, there will be options to FORCE STOP and CLEAR CACHE.  To learn more about force-stopping the POS, check out this Toast Central article: Get Help with the Toast App on the POS.
Force stop and clear cache options for the Toast app

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Issue Moving Past Passcode Screen

If you're unable to move past the passcode screen when logging in, first make sure that you've accepted your emailed invitation to create and set up an account. If you've already done this, then your account likely does not have the correct permissions set. To check your account's permissions, follow the troubleshooting steps below.
  1. In the Employees section of Toast Web, select the Edit icon (pencil) next to the account you'd like to check the permissions of.
  2. Check the permissions of all jobs that are assigned to this employee. For more information about each permission listed on this page, view our Permissions Reference Guide
  3. If you're still unable to move past the passcode screen after checking the permissions of this account, try archiving and then restoring the employee.
  • To do this, select the Archive icon (down arrow) next to the account on the Employees page and Confirm that you'd like to archive this employee. Then, under the Archived tab, select the Unarchive button (up arrow) next to the employee to restore the account. 
archive and restore buttons in Toast Web
TitleGet Help With Your Toast POS Login
URL NameToast-App-Login-Troubleshooting

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